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Thirteen million people live below the poverty line in the UK. Every day people in the UK go hungry for a variety of reasons. Last year, the Trussell Trust's food bank network distributed 1.9 million three-day emergency food supplies to people in crisis. Rising costs of food and fuel combined with static income, high unemployment and changes to benefits are causing more and more people to come to foodbanks for help.


Clevedon District Foodbank is an independent charity seeded by the Trussell Trust. They work together with locally-based agencies, including charities, schools and government agencies to provide practical support in the form of food, together with advice and friendship to those in crisis in the local area. For more information, including details of locations and opening times, please see the Clevedon District Foodbank website.


Christians Against Poverty (CAP)


Christians Against Poverty is a national debt counselling charity with a network of debt centres based in local churches. CAP offers hope and a solution to people in debt through its top quality, in-depth service. Visit the CAP website to find out more.