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What's On


Sunday Service

Sunday 19th January - Join us in the building at 10.30am. The service will also be live-streamed and you can participate and meet others via CBC Online Connect. Use the zoom link: from 10.15am on Sunday.  The service is also available online afterwards for you to watch at any time.


Please bring your children into the auditorium for the first part of the service, from there they will go off to their groups.


Find out about what's on for youth.

Churches Together in Clevedon United Service

Sunday 19th January - CTiC United Service, 6.30pm at St Mary's Church, Castle Road. Address by Ann Tarr of Christians Against Poverty (CAP).

Prayer Focus

Tuesday 21st January - An opportunity to meet together and to pray as we start a new year. Please come and join us in the church building if you can. If you can't make it to the church building please join us online. Tuesday 21st January at 7.30pm.


Wednesday 22nd January - A club for Children, Reception to Year 5, Wednesday's at 4.00 - 5.15pm. Come along for games, crafts, activities, drinks, snacks and fun.

Young Adults

Thursday 23rd January - Our Young Adults group (18-30s) meets on Thursday's at 7.00pm and also has regular socials throughout the year. Read more >

Home Groups

Home Groups meet throughout the week. They’re a great way of getting to know others in the church more deeply. Read more >

Ask - Wednesday Mornings

ASK meets every Wednesday morning, ready for starting with a breakfast cereal or toast, at 7.45am. We usually meet in the foyer then begin with a time of praise and thanksgiving then move into prayer. This is a wonderful way to start the day, a great time of fellowship, building friendships as well as a privilege to bring all our concerns and joys to the Lord. All are welcome, so please come along, we look forward to meeting you.